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Writer's pictureMimi Linch

Let's start with why I created a website.

To be honest, I'm not really sure! I have several reasons actually, but in the process, I began wondering if I had totally lost my mind! I created a very basic website for our church during the Covid pandemic, with not a clue as to how, and it turned out ok. But this has been a real challenge for this old gal. Fortunately I love learning new things and a good challenge is healthy for the brain, right? So here it is. Please be patient, as I learn my way around website and content creation because this is all new to me.

I feel that I'm living a very blessed life, and I want to make the most of it. When I turned 60 last year, I decided I probably should figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Through conversations with my newly retired husband, my business coach, and God, I knew what I really wanted to be. My own boss.

I've been told more than once that I wear a lot of hats, and have a lot on my plate. I do, and I did, but I always thought that if I managed my time more effectively I could do it all well. It was such a relief when I finally admitted to myself that simply wasn't the case. Although it was difficult to leave my part-time job as our church office manager, I KNEW in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I knew there was someone out there that needed to be in that position and it was time for me to move on. I took the leap of faith, I had the support of my church family and minister, and within two weeks God answered our prayers with an amazing applicant that is absolutely perfect for the job. Friends, follow your heart, and trust your Lord.

This gave me the time and opportunity to focus on my freelance bookkeeping service, (I like to call myself a finance organizer rather than a bookkeeper) and be much more available as a relief Veterinary Technician.

You see, I began my career as a Vet Tech in the fall of 1981 and worked at the same clinic until the summer of 2007 when I took my first leap of faith and became a full-time mom to our two young boys, Lucas and Logan. I had recently lost both of my parents, and I really, really, wanted to be that mom that followed their kids in every activity they were involved in, participate at school events, and well, parent. So that's what I did. I stayed busy, but something was missing, and that was my identity and my own income. A good friend and amazing businesswoman offered me a job as her Bookkeeper. She taught me a lot, trusted me a great deal, and paid me really well. I had been the Office Manager and Bookkeeper at the vet clinic for several years, so I did know my way around Quickbooks, which helped. I ended up doing the books for a few businesses temporarily, and since my schedule was my own, I jumped at the chance to help another good friend as groundskeeper for the local cemetery. Sadly, he passed away a few years ago. However, his wife, who is my best friend, took over his contract and she and I have worked together there for ten years. My battery runs best on sunshine, fresh air, Jesus, and caffeine, so what a blessing that has been!

I've always been somewhat of a medicine woman. It comes naturally to me even though the sight of a human wound turns my stomach. Several years ago I became interested in the world of essential oils. Bear in mind this was before they became popular and places like Walmart started selling them. I started researching and was looking at oils from two companies. I chose doTERRA after a visit to my hairdresser, who just happened to receive her starter kit from them that week. I jumped in with both feet and immediately started to share my passion for these amazing gifts of the earth. I was blessed with a space in our small town to display and sell the products for a few years. When the salon closed, it became difficult to maintain my side gig with doTERRA. Now more than ever I believe we need to be proactive with our health, and these medicinal oils are amazing. However, I don't spend much time promoting them in a business sense these days.

It should have been no big surprise when one of my oily friends' posts about making kombucha caugh my attention. In case you're not familiar, kombucha is a very healthy drink made from fermented tea. It is full of gut-friendly probiotics and antioxidants. To make this long story a little shorter, I joined Sipology by Steeped Tea so I could get a discount on a "Kombucha making kit" to make my own booch on the cheap. One of the requirements was for me to have a "launch" party even though I had ZERO intention of making a business out of it. The party was a huge success, it was actually kind of fun, many people seemed interested in the tea, AND I made money. I grew a team and quickly promoted to a leader position which earned me a trip to South Carolina where I met friends that I had already made through Sipology, the founders, and my sweet business coach. (That experience is a story of its own which I will be sharing later.)

I grew my tea business through local events and social media, mainly Facebook. I also have a Facebook page called Linch Bookkeeping for sharing tips and to promote my business. My heart is telling me it's time to try branch out in order to reach those that don't participate or follow social media. I also tried my hand at "blogging" on Facebook in a series I called "My Journey to Aging Gracefully." I really enjoyed writing, and surprisingly, I had a good response to many of my posts. Hence, the reason for this website. This will be a place for me to serve in all the ways I know how, while being productive without the distractions of scrolling.

Thank you so much for being here! Please reach out with any comments, suggestions, or questions you have!

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